The Tours

Choose your tour

Classical Tour

These tours are providing for travelers / guests who are very adventurous and willing to explore the most remote places of Socotra and to camp in the wild. 

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Relaxing Tour

These tours are designed for travelers / guests who are keen to explore new things and to live new and exceptional travel experience with having more luxury facilities through spending the nights in hotels or in highly equipped touristic resorts. 

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Customized Tour

We are providing  a  number of very customized  tours  that which  are basically designed for  travelers / guests who are keen to  have very customized tours and activities  as below:

  • Trekking Tours
  • Photography Tours
  • Bird watching Tours
  • Fishing Tours
  • Scuba Diving Tours

 Please for further inquiries and details, feel free to contact us at, or reach out to us on our WhatsApp +967 777 637 660


Interactive tourist map of Socotra

Here the list of the most popular places in Socotra:

Socotra Map